A Saturday Morning Thought….

Just a thought… The colors I wore below were all powerful combinations that I pieced together…. but I’ll leave it to you to decide whether I achieved harmony (Lol). Basically, we can all try to piece all our basic needs, highest wants and happiness together with our own perspectives, but nothing, NOTHING binds everything together more perfectly for us and the people we encounter, than good ole love. Jesus came for us to find that kind of abundant lifestyle. And these are not my words!

“And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” — Colossians 3:14 

The poem below was inspired by this verse… I’m in a creative mood today and just thought I’d go all out with my delivery… I know, I know… a bit dramatic, but it’s me… LOL!


Much love and blessings,


Title: “The Power of It”
Book : Metamorphosis

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