What About Drawing?

Drawing can prove to be a very beneficial creative exercise, whether you can sense an innate ability to draw, or not. In fact, according to research, stress relief and improved memory are just a couple of the many benefits of drawing.

Yet, the most interesting aspect of learning to draw, in my opinion, is how it encourages you to embrace the flow. I honestly didn’t know what that meant until I took a drawing class. I remember in the beginning, my teacher would walk by my station several times, trying to get me to relax, sometimes only saying: “stop over thinking it!” She just knew I was so focused on trying to make it perfect with the techniques she taught us, that I wasn’t discovering my center–stillness.

Now, I don’t view myself as this great artist, but choosing to develop something I always felt in my spirit that I could do, was life changing. However, I don’t believe you have to sense that in your spirit to gain something profound from drawing or an art class. In fact, one interesting thing about attending an art class is that you tend to make immediate friends with practically everyone in the class. In there, are people with a cross-section of talents, skills and reasons for joining the class, and yet, it was obvious that every single person had managed to discover something priceless.

So, I mention all of this to say, that if you haven’t so far made an attempt to embrace your creative side, then drawing or art instruction is a great place to start. Furthermore, oftentimes than not, we will go in intending to receive one thing, only to gain so much more!

A drawing instruction option:

Given our current environment here is a course alternative you can try. 

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